ALC Members: Log Truck Driver Safety Training is Now Included in Your Membership

We are excited to announce that in addition to our exclusive member rebates, access to annual meetings, and being a part of the preservation of logging, log truck driver safety training is now included in your ALC membership. The words “safety training” is often a bit taboo for loggers, but the unfortunate reality is that most loggers are just one wreck and a billboard lawyer away from going out of business. That is why safety training for log truck drivers has never been more important. Thus, ALC members now have access to 30+ online safety training courses that focus specifically on transportation of forest products.

Members can access training courses at any time using a smart-device or computer with internet access. A detailed record of completed courses, the training material used for the training, the date and time completed, and a training certificate is available for each course completed through the online training platform. This information can be made available to insurance companies, business owners, and logger associations. The convenience of “on-demand” driver safety training will save time and money, allowing more time for productivity while complying with governmental and insurance carrier mandates. If you are already a member, please contact us and a link will be provided to you for access.